Hello Fellow Riders!

This is CEO Supervisory, Today, the day of posting this RiderBlog post (July 16th). is a special day for Rider Studios, why is it? Let me tell you. Lets go back 3 years from now. I was bored on my couch, brainstorming of game ideas I could make and what I could make that is of my hobbies. So, my idea is finished and I go to the computer when I had a genius idea. “I should make a studio to sort all of my new games into” And so I did. On July 16th. 2021. I created “Nate Games Creations Studio” Where I therefor created the first ever game by NGCS. Grocery Store Fire Alarm. NGCS would eventually be renamed to Rider Studios and turn into what we have today. Today, is Riderversery 3.

Riderversery is the day that we celebrate and look at the past, present, and future of Rider Studios

So why don’t you join us? Let us know in the post comments what you think about the current state of Rider Studios. Or you can let us know in our Discord Server!


Before we leave, I want to issue some other statements

Today, not only is the Riderversery, but the birthday of our GUI Creator Agilebed!

Make sure to wish Agilebed a Happy Birthday when you can!

Today is also the 1 year mark since Rider Studios Hub was revamped and reopened for Riderversery 2.

That’s all we have for today. Come back next time to see what up in Rider Studios!

Have a great day Riders!

-Supervisory, CEO & Founder



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